Replit Ghostwriter

Replit Ghostwriter is an AI-powered code editor that offers features like code completion, code generation, code refactoring, and code explanation to improve the coding experience. It can generate code from natural language prompts, suggest code based on the code in the current file, refactor code quickly, and explain complex code in plain English step-by-step.

With the help of Ghostwriter, your coding will be easier, faster, and more enjoyable. With an average response time of 500 ms, it is designed for speed and is only getting faster. Python, Ruby, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Go, Lisp, Haskell, Bash, C, C++, Rust, Java, and JSON are just a few of the many languages it supports.

Replit's online development environment, which integrates Ghostwriter, is the simplest and quickest way to start coding in a matter of seconds. Additionally, it is portable, and soon Replit's native mobile apps for iOS and Android will be supported. By importing code from GitHub or another Git repository, you can get going right away.

Ghostwriter is a supplement to existing knowledge rather than a replacement for basic programming skills. It acts as an automated assistant that could cut down on the time you spend looking up code examples or requesting assistance on websites like Stack Overflow.


  • AI-Powered Code Completion: Suggests code based on the code in the current file, helping you to complete your code more efficiently.
  • Code Generation: Generates code from natural language prompts, allowing you to experiment with new APIs, add boilerplate code, construct a web server, or build a complete GUI.
  • Code Refactoring: Helps you refactor or modernize code to fit standards. It can be used to modernize an older bit of code, convert from one language to another, or even flip between iteration and recursion.
  • Code Explanation: Analyzes existing code and explains its function using natural language, providing a plain-English summary of what the code actually does.
  • Support for Multiple Languages: Supports a wide range of languages including Python, Ruby, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Go, Lisp, Haskell, Bash, C, C++, Rust, Java, and JSON.
  • Fast Response Time: Optimized for speed, with an average response time of 500ms.
  • GitHub Import: Allows you to get started right away by importing code from GitHub or another Git repository.


  • Ghostwriter: Available as an additional service to the development plans. The cost is $10 (or 1,000 Cycles) per month. Cycles are virtual tokens that represent computational power on Replit's cloud servers.

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