The Very Best AI Tools For Coders in 2024

Last Updated -
June 9, 2024 13:58
Written by -
Alec Chambers

If you want to write code more efficiently, you need the right tools.

But most coders don't have endless hours to research and experiment with every AI tool out there.

That's where this guide comes in: We’ve curated the very best AI tools for coders in 2024 so you can focus on what you do bestβ€”coding.

You don't need to be an AI expert to take advantage of these toolsβ€”they are designed to be user-friendly, helping you write, debug, and optimize code faster than ever before.

I spent several weeks testing a wide range of AI tools to ensure you get the most reliable and effective options. Here are the top choices.

Chat-GPT - Revolutionizing Conversational AI

ChatGPT is a leading Artificial Intelligence tool that optimizes conversational interactions. It is designed to interact in a dynamic and responsive way, making it ideal for answering follow-up questions, challenging false premises, and even refusing inappropriate requests.

Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT was fine-tuned from the GPT-3.5 series and trained on an Azure AI supercomputing infrastructure. It uses the power of Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) to create more nuanced and accurate responses. OpenAI has upgraded this technology with GPT-4 which surpasses GPT-3.5 in reasoning capabilities, creativity, and longevity of contextual understanding. GPT-4 even possesses the ability to process visual inputs, thus broadening its range of possible applications.


  • Streamlines coding processes through conversational interaction.
  • Elevates solution quality with advanced reasoning capabilities.
  • Saves time when troubleshooting by directly challenging inaccurate premises.

Simplified Pricing Information

The ChatGPT service comes in two primary packages. The free version offers access to the tool's basic features. For a more enhanced experience, including faster load times, priority access, and the ability to experience new features first, OpenAI offers ChatGPT Plus at a cost of $20 per month. For added convenience, users can access ChatGPT through a free app available on iOS devices.

Tabnine: Amplify Your Coding Productivity

Tabnine is an advanced AI code assistant designed to supercharge developer productivity. Used by professionals around the globe, Tabnine provides AI-enhanced code generation and personalized assistance, all while keeping your code completely private. It's suitable for any stage of the software development lifecycle (SDLC) and integrates seamlessly with popular IDEs, enabling a fluid, efficient development environment.

Key features of Tabnine include AI chat support throughout the entirety of the SDLC, personalized AI coding assistance that adapts to your specific projects, and rigorous security measures ensuring zero data retention. These features not only safeguard your codebase but also mitigate any potential intellectual property risks. For convenience, Tabnine supports a variety of IDEs such as VS Code, IntelliJ, Visual Studio, and many others, allowing developers to pick an environment that fits their preference.


  • Boosts productivity by providing AI-powered, context-aware coding assistance.
  • Preserves complete code privacy with no data retention, protecting your intellectual property.
  • Saves time and reduces tedious tasks by automating code completion processes.

Simplified Pricing Information

Tabnine offers several plans that cater to different needs. The basic plan is free and includes simple AI code completions and AI chat support. For $12 per user per month, the Pro Plan provides access to top-tier AI models, personalized AI agents, code recommendations from permissive sources, basic admin tools, and more. At $39 per user per month, the Enterprise Plan offers additional features like private deployment, fine-tuned AI models, integration with Atlassian Jira and Confluence, and others.

Experience the transformation of your coding process with Tabnine. Through efficient, accurate, and tailored coding assistance, Tabnine ensures that you remain in control of your software development, optimizing both accuracy and ease. Start accelerating your development today with Tabnine!

Amazon Q Developer - Revolutionizing the Software Development Lifecycle

Amazon Q Developer is an AI-powered tool designed to modify and improve the process of software development. Amazon Q Developer serves to expedite coding, renew and modernize outdated codes, enhance reliability and security measures, ensuring a comprehensive infrastructure management system for developers.

Key features of Amazon Q Developer include real-time AI-supported code generation, modernizing outdated software, support during operational and developmental stages, seamless IDE, and command line integrations, strict security, and privacy regulations. Enhancing the functions of Amazon Q Developer are its flexible pricing options, guaranteeing affordability to users.

One standout feature of Amazon Q Developer is its Real-Time Code Generation, which uses AI to suggest codes based on users' comments and existing codes. Also, the Legacy Code Modernization feature simplifies the often complex task of upgrading outdated Java Applications. It integrates effortlessly into the developer process and offers continuous support through chat integrations and real-time suggestions for identified vulnerabilities.


  • Streamline software development,
  • Elevates code reliability and security,
  • Saves time on code generation and debugging tasks.

Simplified Pricing Information

Amazon Q Developer offers pricing that starts from $19 per user per month. Its free plan contains basic features and integrations, while the Pro Plan offers an analytics dashboard and enterprise administration addition among other features. Whether you're an individual developer or working in a team, Amazon Q Developer aims to reshape and improve your development process affordably.

GitHub Copilot - The AI-Driven Code Assistant

GitHub Copilot is an AI-driven code assistant designed to streamline the programming process for developers. Known for enhancing productivity and elevating code quality, GitHub Copilot offers on-the-spot code suggestions ranging from single-line code additions to entire functions. The tool is highly adaptable, offering support for multiple languages and various user contexts and adaptation styles.

In addition to providing real-time coding suggestions, GitHub Copilot boasts essential features such as 'Pull Requests and Docs' and 'Terminal Support' to streamline the coding process. The tool also stands out for its integrated 'Security and Compliance' features, such as Privacy Protection and Vulnerability Detection, which offer a safe and secure coding experience. GitHub Copilot provides a basic free package, with premium packages starting from $10 USD per month.

Benefits of GitHub Copilot:

  • Streamlines the programming process through intelligent, real-time coding suggestions.
  • Elevates the quality of code by contextually adapting to various development scenarios and programming languages.
  • Saves time on common programming tasks, aiding developers in writing code more efficiently.

Pricing info:

GitHub Copilot offers flexible pricing plans. The basic service is free, while premium packages start from $10 USD per month. The premium plan includes unlimited use of the code assistant, access to all features, and faster processing speeds.

Snyk - Taking application security to the next level

Snyk is a leading developer's security platform created to enhance productivity by transforming application security. Universally trusted by millions of developers, this tool offers a fast and secure way to identify + fix vulnerabilities, streamline the development lifecycle, and minimize application risk. Using top-tier security intelligence, Snyk rescans during development phases for unprecedented accuracy in detecting weaknesses in the security framework.

Snyk stands apart due to its unrivalled accuracy powered by a unique hybrid AI model that combines symbolic and generative AI, multiple machine learning techniques, and rigorous security expertise. This ensures precise security scanning that effectively rules out any false positives. Apart from this, Snyk also offers an in-depth application discovery feature, custom security controls, and risk-based prioritization, enabling developers to dramatically reduce application risk on an enterprise scale.


  • Streamlines the process of application development by detecting vulnerabilities early on.
  • Enhances the security integrity of your applications with its superlative risk-based security system.
  • Saves considerable time and effort for developers, making it an essential tool in the app development process.

Pricing Information

Snyk offers a range of reasonably priced plans catering to developers and security teams regardless of their size or expertise levels. Prices start as low as $25 per month, and includes unlimited tests per product, comprehensive language support, base image suggestions, automated fixes, among other features. It also offers Free, Team, and Enterprise plans that are crafted to meet the specific needs of individual developers, small teams, and large enterprise organizations. With its advanced features and dedication to augmenting the security process, Snyk has garnered positive reviews from over 85% of developers due to its user friendliness and efficiency.

Codiga - Your Comprehensive Code Quality Companion

Codiga is a multi-functional platform for static code analysis. With seamless integration into your IDE and CI/CD pipelines, Codiga offers custom analysis rules, vulnerability identification, and automated code reviews. Suitable for most popular languages and libraries, this tool adapts to your unique coding base and patterns, helping to enhance the quality and security of your code.

One of Codiga's key features is its user-defined static code analysis rules. In the Codiga Hub, users can design, test, and share new rules in just five minutes, promoting collaboration and standardization. Instantaneous code analysis provides immediate feedback on possible issues. Alternatively, the tool integrates with other platforms, including GitHub, Gitlab, and Bitbucket. Key features encompass infrastructure code analysis, support for 12+ languages, automated security fixes, and a comprehensive database of code snippets.


  • Improves code quality and security.
  • Streamlines code reviews and corrections.
  • Saves time in identifying and rectifying code violations.

Simplified Pricing Information

Codiga offers a basic plan for free, and a premium plan starting at $14 USD per month with additional benefits such as unrestricted use and faster processing speeds.

Replit - Catapulting Software Development Into the AI Era

Replit acts as a cutting-edge, AI-driven software development platform specially conceived for developers to create, share, and deploy their software swiftly. With an integrated AI-powered code editor called Ghostwriter, Replit equips programmers with a bucket load of features that include code completion, code generation, code refactoring, and code explanation. This combination leads to an improved, faster, and more enjoyable coding experience.

While aiming to simplify and enhance the programming process, Ghostwriter promptly complements existing coding knowledge, functioning as an inventive automated assistant rather than an outright replacement for basic programming skills. Supported programming languages span Python, Ruby, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Go, Lisp, Haskell, Bash, Java, JSON, among others.

Replit establishes itself as a time-saver and an originator of innovation, delivering instant environment preparation and enabling swift imports from GitHub or other Git repositories. Moreover, courtesy of the innovative collaborative features, developers can work simultaneously, pair program, debug as a unit, and share progress with a single click, encouraging a real-time collaborative culture. The tool offers a wholesome, user-centric design, complete with native mobile app support for iOS and Android, ensuring developers can connect and carry out their tasks from any location.


  • Simplified and speedier software development process.
  • Improved code quality thanks to AI-powered code completion and generation.
  • Significant time saving on tasks such as debugging and refactoring.


When it comes to pricing, the Replit platform offers flexible options in line with users' needs. Starting with a free plan that's perfect for beginners, Replit also provides a Core plan for solo developers that's packed full of premium offerings for just $120 a year. For team collaboration, the Teams plan costs $396 annually, while an upcoming enterprise plan, specifically designed for teams needing advanced security, support and performance, offers customizable pricing. Numerous optional capacity and performance add-ons are also available.

Benefits of AI Tools For Coders

  • Reducing Errors: AI-powered tools significantly reduce the chances of human errors in coding, ensuring a cleaner, error-free code that performs better.
  • Increasing Efficiency: By automating redundant tasks, these tools can increase coding efficiency. They allow coders to complete tasks faster, thereby saving time.
  • Predictive Analysis: These tools have predictive analytics that can anticipate potential issues and offer solutions, making the coding process smoother.
  • Improved Code Quality: AI tools can improve the quality of the code by performing tasks like auto-completion of code and instant debugging.
  • Automated Testing: Using these tools, programmers can execute automated testing processes, ensuring the delivery of high-quality software.
  • Language Agnostic: AI tools are often language-agnostic and can understand and work across multiple programming languages, widening the scope for developers.
  • Smart Prioritization: AI can easily prioritize issues based on severity, so coders can address the most critical problems first.
  • Real-time Collaboration: Many AI coding tools offer real-time collaboration benefits, making it easier to work in teams, especially for remote coders.
  • Learning and Adaptability: AI tools are designed to learn from user behavior. Over time they become increasingly adaptive and capable of making better coding suggestions.
  • Improved Security: AI tools can add an extra security layer by identifying security breaches or vulnerabilities in the code in real-time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are some AI tools mentioned for coders in 2024?

A: The page provides a comprehensive list of AI tools for coders in 2024 including, but not limited to, Kite AI, Codota, Tabnine, DeepCode, Atom, Source AI, and PyCaret.

Q: Are these AI tools free to use?

A: Most of these AI tools offer both free and paid plans. Typically, the free plans have certain restrictions, while the paid ones provide more features and better support.

Q: Are these AI tools beginner-friendly?

A: Yes, most of these AI tools are designed to be user-friendly and can be used by coders of all experience levels. However, some tools might require a learning curve or previous experience in coding.

Q: Do these AI tools provide coding tutorials and guidance?

A: While these tools are mainly designed for providing coding assistance, suggestions and detecting errors, some of them, like Kite AI and Codota, offer interactive tutorials and coding examples to help users understand their suggestions better.

Q: Can these AI tools be integrated with my current coding environment?

A: Yes, most of these AI tools can be integrated with popular coding environments and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), including Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, Atom, and more.

Q: How can AI tools assist in coding?

A: AI tools can offer coding assistance in various ways, such as providing real-time suggestions, auto-completing codes, finding and fixing errors, improving code efficiency, and even generating code from natural language descriptions.

Q: Can these tools replace human coders?

A: While these AI tools significantly improve coding efficiency, they cannot replace human coders. These tools act as a supplementary aid, helping to automate repetitive tasks and make coding easier.

Q: How can I get updates about further advancements in AI tools for coders?

A: You can subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on our social media accounts, or regularly visit our website for the latest updates and advancements in AI tools for coders.

Written by Alec Chambers

Hi! I'm the creator behind ToolsForHumans. My journey, ignited by an obsession with ChatGPT after witnessing the practical applications of the tool, quickly expanded to include the launch of this site and a deep dive into more than 90 AI apps.

Over the past 8 months, I've been diligently crafting use cases and producing tutorial videos with the goal of demystifying AI and making it accessible to everyone. Alongside this, I've assembled specialized business toolkits, carefully selecting the best tools specifically tailored to various professions and industries.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, and if you're feeling particularly generous, giving our company page a follow. I'm always up for a chat!