Monica AI

Monica is an AI-powered copilot whose goal is to increase users' productivity and efficiency on various platforms. Utilising GPT-4 and GPT-3.5, Monica is able to summarise YouTube videos, read and summarise articles, assist in article writing, generate AI paintings, and improve search engine results.

Users can chat with Monica's GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models by pressing Cmd+M or Ctrl+M, respectively. Additionally, users can choose any text on a website and have Monica translate, explain, or paraphrase it. Additionally, Monica provides a Prompt Library for ideas and has a quick summary generator for YouTube videos.

The main benefits of Monica include its accessibility at any time without requiring access to ChatGPT or OpenAI accounts, its connection to cutting-edge GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models, and its pre-built templates that enable users to quickly and easily write articles, ad outlines, blogs, resumes, and other types of content. In order to avoid ChatGPT network errors and GPT-API frequency limit problems, Monica also offers a stableΒ network.


  • Chatbot: Users can chat with Monica about anything, powered by GPT-4 and GPT-3.5.
  • Web Browser: Monica can access the real-time internet using ChatGPT technology.
  • Copywriting: Monica can easily create ad copy.
  • Prompt Library: Monica provides a large number of prompts based on ChatGPT, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4.
  • YouTube summary: Monica can quickly summarize video content.
  • ChatPDF: Monica allows users to have a ChatGPT-like conversation experience with any PDF content.
  • Quick Action: Monica can translate, paraphrase, and explain any text on any webpage.
  • AI painting: Monica can generate images by entering text.
  • Voice Control: Monica supports input by voice and can provide AI answers from ChatGPT.
  • Phone number login: Users can quickly log in and use Monica without a Google account, ChatGPT account, or OpenAI account.
  • Mobile use: Monica supports mobile/Android/iOS clients to open chat web pages.
  • Built-in Templates: Monica has more than 80 templates that can help users write articles, ad outlines, blogs, resumes, etc. with one click.
  • Customizable Prompts: Users can customize their exclusive prompts to make ChatGPT better serve them.
  • Search Enhancement: Monica supports search engines such as Google, NewBing, DuckDuckGo, etc., and displays the answer results provided by ChatGPT in the search results.
  • Supports Multiple Models: Monica supports GPT-3, GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and other models.


  • Starter Plan: $6/month, 2500 queries monthly, 2X faster query time, sharp & concise replies, no country restrictions, less than 0.01% downtime, email support within 24 hours, early access to beta features.
  • Boost Plan: $19/month, 8000 queries monthly, 2X faster query time, sharp & concise replies, no country restrictions, less than 0.01% downtime, email support within 24 hours, early access to beta features.
  • Elite Plan: $39/month, unlimited queries, 2X faster query time, sharp & concise replies, no country restrictions, less than 0.01% downtime, email support within 24 hours, early access to beta features.

Popular Use Cases

Generate Article Ideas




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Outside Top 3

Translate Documents / Long Form Text




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Outside Top 3

Videos (Official, Reviews, How-To's)


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